What The Experts Are Saying About #Masks4All

“There is some rationale that the person in the street who may not know they’re infected could actually prevent the spread to other people by wearing masks.
We’re starting to re-examine the possibility that if there are enough masks, should everyone be wearing masks.
…given the situation that we might have enough masks for everyone, I think there’s some rationale that we should use them much more than we do now.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci
Director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (Source)

“The big mistake in the U.S. and Europe, in my opinion, is that people aren’t wearing masks. This virus is transmitted by droplets and close contact. Droplets play a very important role—you’ve got to wear a mask, because when you speak, there are always droplets coming out of your mouth. Many people have asymptomatic or presymptomatic infections. If they are wearing face masks, it can prevent droplets that carry the virus from escaping and infecting others.”
George Gao
Director General of China’s CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) (Source)

“Wearing a simple cloth mask, decreases the spread of the virus by 80%! Czech Republic has made it OBLIGATORY for its citizens to wear a mask in the public.”
Andrej Babis
Czech Republic Prime Minister

“Research shows that fluids spread when coughing/sneezing are a big transmitter of COVID-19. Each of us needs to do what we can to stop the spread. One easy thing we all can do, today, is wear homemade masks in public. My mask could help you, your mask could help me. #Masks4All“
Pat Toomey
U.S. Senator

“We have to focus on supplying N95 masks for our health care & frontline workers. But the rest of us can still do our part by wearing homemade masks in public to reduce virus transmission. #Masks4All”
Michael Bennet
U.S. Senator

“It probably would be helpful if people with no symptoms or pre-symptom stage were to have a mask on. By ‘no symptoms,’ I mean those people who it appears can be infected with the virus without symptoms and therefore are potentially infectious”
Don Goldmann
MD, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer, Institute for Healthcare Improvement

“I did not agree with initial pronouncements that people who were not symptomatic should not wear masks…I do think something is better than nothing…My daughter was about to go into Whole Foods and I wouldn’t let her without at least a surgical mask”
Don Goldmann
MD, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer, Institute for Healthcare Improvement

“Several studies show that by respecting the barrier gestures, we could divide by ten the number of sick people”
Maryame El Gani
MD (Source)

“My team at UCLA has shown that “droplet transmission” even happens when a surgeon is only talking during procedures, and that it leads to serious eye infections. We have learned that a simple barrier in front of the mouth will help reduce droplet transmission. Even face masks you can make at home are very good at preventing this problem.”
Colin McCannel
MD, Ophthalmologist (Source)

“To be clear, mask use is one of the most effective physical interventions to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. A comprehensive Cochrane review examined multiple physical preventive measures (eg, screening at entry ports, isolation, quarantine, social distancing, barriers, personal protection, hand hygiene) and found that masks were the most consistent and comprehensive measure.”
Eldad Einav
MD, Staff Cardiologist (Source)

“WE said:
✅ #Masks4all
✅ IV vitamin C
✅ Try off the shelf therapies first.
THEY said:
✅ No personal protective equipment for the public.
✅ Block doctors from using Vitamin C & chloroquine.
✅ Destroy economy until untested vaccine available.
WE are right on every point.”
Toby Rogers
PhD, MPP (Source)

“We’re going to do this and if every hospital in every state does it, within a week we should have solved the how do I get an n-95 mask problem from a grassroots option and that’s huge.”
Bruce Spiess
MD (Source)

“A doctor explains how to make the safest face mask. This is a safe face mask that if built properly should be donated to your local emergency services. It utilizes a HEPA filter, which is much, much better than a cotton mask”
Ryan Southworth
MD (Source)

“Research shows Masks help for all ppl. It helpd w/ HongKong in SARS outbreak. #Covid_19 #Masks4All”
Greg Hsu
MD (Source)

“Health care workers should be prioritized, but telling people that masks won’t help them was an error, in my opinion—it erodes trust & defies science. Instead, transparently acknowledge the shortfall and urge that masks should be saved for the sick and those who treat them.”
David R. Liu
PhD (Source)

“We can only rely on telling everyone to wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, use alcoholic sanitiser. I had called for everyone to wear a mask when I was in Beijing, but many people disagreed, saying that the World Health Organisation (WHO) said healthy people don’t need to wear masks unless they go to crowded places. Nevertheless, if people wear masks only when they feel sick, then the eight infected people on the Diamond Princess would have transmitted it to others because they were not feeling uncomfortable. Wear a mask to protect not only yourself but also others, because if you are infected but asymptomatic, you could still stop the spread by wearing a mask.”
Yuen Kwok-yung
PhD, Microbiologist (Source)

“Everyone please wear a mask when you venture out. This can make a significant impact in controlling the spread of Corona infection. #Masks4All”
Vinay Verma, M.D.
MD (Source)

“Wearing a mask can also reduce the likelihood that people will touch their face, which is another mode of transmission of the virus from contaminated surfaces to unsuspecting individuals”
Neil Fishman
MD (Source)

“My data-focused research institute, fast.ai, has found 34 scientific papers indicating basic masks can be effective in reducing virus transmission in public — and not a single paper that shows clear evidence that they cannot.”
Jeremy Howard
Founder and Researcher at fast.ai and A Leader of #Masks4All

“The swift increase in cases to these levels in the U.S. highlights to an even greater degree the importance of implementing and adhering to public health measures”
Robert Atmar
MD, Infectious Disease (Source)

“I wore the humble surgical mask as a surgeon for 40 years and it was always worn to protect the patient’s surgical site from whatever was in my respiratory droplets. I have wondered mightily at the lack of public face masks given the proof of pre-symptomatic and asymptotic spreaders of this coronavirus. When I wear a mask, I am protecting you. When everyone wears a mask out in public sites (grocery stores, etc) the virus will have a harder time leaving the host and finding a new one.”
Thomas Hefty
MD (Source)

“Face shields should be placed on all patients, suspected and confirmed Covid.
Healthcare workers working in close proximity should be supplied with face shields to be worn with an N-95 mask.
Community masking- social isolation does not go far enough to flatten the curve if customers and employees are congregating together without masks in closed spaces such as supermarkets and pharmacies. Everyone should be required to wear a mask in a store. As soon as more surgical masks become available, stores should offer one to customers who don’t have one and require that they be worn inside. Employees should be supplied with masks and gloves.”
Edeane Matsumoto
MD (Source)

“South Korean experts recommend wearing a mask at all times; and they have done pretty well controlling this epidemic there.”
Emilio Gonzalez
MD (Source)

“Of course masks work–that’s why medical professionals wear them. We were lied to, because we don’t even have enough masks for medical professionals. Nothing but full transparency by the government will convince Americans to take all of the tough actions needed control the spread of the virus.”
Christine Stern
MD (Source)

“Despite messages from some health officials to the contrary, it’s likely that a mask can help protect a healthy wearer from infection”
Benjamin Cowling
MD, Epidemiologist (Source)

“Wearing a mask is not just for protecting yourself from getting infected, but also minimizing the chance of potential infection harboring in your body from spreading to people around you”
Joseph Tsang
MD, Infectious Disease Specialist (Source)