Wear a homemade mask to slow the spread of COVID-19#Masks4AllThe scientific evidence is overwhelming that we can reduce virus transmission with homemade masks. Please protect yourself and others by wearing a homemade mask in public and asking that others do the same!
Homemade Masks Are Effective At Slowing COVID-19 Spread

Hong Kong, Mongolia, South Korea and Taiwan, have covid-19 largely under control. They are all near the original epicenter of the pandemic in mainland China, and they have economic ties to China. Yet none has resorted to a lockdown. –Washington Post
“The big mistake in the U.S. and Europe, in my opinion, is that people aren’t wearing masks. This virus is transmitted by droplets and close contact. Droplets play a very important role—you’ve got to wear a mask, because when you speak, there are always droplets coming out of your mouth. Many people have asymptomatic or presymptomatic infections. If they are wearing face masks, it can prevent droplets that carry the virus from escaping and infecting others.” –China’s CDC Director
“There is emerging evidence that asymptomatic and presymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 is possible…everyone, including people without symptoms, should be encouraged to wear nonmedical fabric face masks while in public.“
–Scott Gottlieb, Former U.S. FDA Commissioner
CNN: Some experts have argued that non-medical fabric masks might make a dent in transmission risk. “Something doesn’t have to be 100% effective to be beneficial,”
–Dr. Anthony Fauci, the US director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
The WHO is ignoring the basic logic and scientific evidence supporting homemade masks

Major Update: U.S. CDC considering recommending general public wear face coverings in public
The WHO recommends masks for those infected with COVID-19 or those taking care of people infected with COVID-19. (source)
But ~50% of people who have COVID-19 are asymptomatic. (source)
So it follows basic logic that if we don’t know who has it and anyone who has it needs to wear a mask, then we should all wear masks.
Plus, there are “34 scientific papers indicating basic masks can be effective in reducing virus transmission in public — and not a single paper that shows clear evidence that they cannot.” (source)
The Prime Minister of Slovakia released this statement after making masks mandatory: The WHO says “that only those infected should wear a mask. Only the future will show which countries have chosen the right approach and which haven’t.”
Why homemade masks keep yourself and others safe
1. Protect others by not spreading the virus if you have it.
2. Protect yourself by reducing your chances of catching the virus when you go outside.
3. Reduce face touching by wearing something that covers your face.
Source: Covid-19: Why We Should All Wear Masks – There Is New Scientific Rationale
#Masks4All Is Already Working In The Czech Republic

The #Masks4All movement was started as a grassroots movement in the Czech Republic. In a matter of 3 days, almost 100% of citizens were wearing homemade masks. And as you can see from the chart, it has been effective. (source)
The rise of #Masks4All led the Czech Republic government to make it mandatory for citizens to wear masks in public.
“Much of Central Europe is now following the example set by China, Taiwan and South Korea. On [March 30th], Austria mandated its citizens wear masks when outside the home, after the Czech, Slovak and Bosnian governments issued similar orders.”
–Wall Street Journal
“Wearing a simple cloth masks, decreases the spread of the virus by 80%! Czech Republic has made it OBLIGATORY for its citizens to wear a mask in public.” –Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
#Masks4All In The News
Washington Post (the article that kicked this off the U.S.): Simple DIY masks could help flatten the curve. We should all wear them in public.
Major Update: CDC considering recommending general public wear face coverings in public
ABC News: Coronavirus government response updates: Fauci says masks for all under ‘very active consideration’
New York Times: It’s Time to Make Your Own Face Mask
Wired: It’s Time to Face Facts, America: Masks Work
Medium: Homemade face masks could be the silver bullet for defeating COVID-19
ABC Good Morning America: Growing Debate Over Masks
National Review: A Lesson from Japan’s Fight against Coronavirus: Masks Help
Medscape: ‘Stealth Transmission’ of COVID-19 Demands Widespread Mask Usage
Time: Why Wearing a Face Mask Is Encouraged in Asia, but Shunned in the U.S.
CNN: Should you wear a mask? US health officials re-examine guidance amid coronavirus crisis
WFMZ: Senator Pat Toomey endorses “Masks4all” movement | Coronavirus Info
Americans “can wear scarves” as an alternative to wearing a mask: “You know, you can use a scarf. A lot of people have scarfs, and you can use a scarf. A scarf would be very good.”
–Donald Trump
CNN: Dr. Fauci signaled he would “lean toward” recommending that the general public wear facemasks “if we do not have the problem of taking away masks from the health care workers who need them. Particularly now that we’re getting some inklings that there’s transmission of infection from an asymptomatic person who is not coughing, who is not sneezing, who just appears well.” – Dr. Anthony Fauci, the US director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
How To Make Your Own Mask (And How To Spread The Word!)
1. Post your mask photo/video to social media using #masks4all and encourage people to learn more at www.masks4all.co
2. Reach out to celebrities, influencers, and friends using this outreach template.
3. Donate professional masks to hospitals, they need them.
Use A T-Shirt, Scissors, And A Paper Towel (Takes 2 Minutes)
No sewing is necessary for this mask. Look at the image and video below for the full details!.

Sew A Professional Looking Mask
This is a more advanced mask that requires basic sewing knowledge plus fabric, scissors, and elastic.
A Paper Towel + Rubber Bands
This is a mask that you can make with paper towels, tissue, tape, a hole puncher, wire, and rubber bands.
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